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Social Media

Welcome to MSU Book Club's social media page! Here, you can find links to our Instagram account, our Discord channel, and our newsletter. Our Instagram is consistently updated by our amazing secretary, Mina, and our newsletter is sent out once every two weeks by our fantastic Vice President, Victoria. Our Discord is a great way to keep track of everything going on in the club, including engaging in conversation about what's going on in our books outside of the meetings.

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Join Our Newsletter!

Join our newsletter for the latest book club updates! We won't spam you, I promise! Expect about one email every two weeks.

Thank you!


Follow our Instagram to keep up to date on all things MSU Book Club! On our Instagram, we'll post updates about our books, events, and activities throughout the semester. It's a great way to keep up with book club from a distance.


 Discord Server

Our Discord server is the best way to stay connected with everyone in Book Club! Through discord, we talk about the book of the month, send memes, and recommend other books! We also post copies of the slides and the newsletter to the server so you'll never miss a thing!

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